Wednesday, November 27, 2013


"Some people continue to defend trickle-down theories which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed and bring about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world. This opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and naive trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power and in sacralized workings of the prevailing economic shyster. Meanwhile, the excluded are still waiting." Pope Francis from Facebook

A growing number of Canadians, perhaps people world wide, are now understanding that we need a real change - not  a reform change. We think the pope would not dissagree. The present world system is terminally ill with no remedy. The dialogue is presently spreading, we urge any who read this to begin to dialogue on the issue of what system do we want. It beats war for peace. "Civilized people talk, they don't fight." Author unknown.

Friday, November 22, 2013


It is time for action if we want to save public transit. If you agree with the letter below let the BC Premier and NDP leader and Auditor General know you support it. for email here is a list - <> , <adrian.dix@> , <>
Dear Premier, 

I am unable to find in my computer the following letter. It is copied here in case It did not go or get delivered. This letter does contain minor amendments. With apologies to all, 

John Beeching

4715 Lanark Street
Vancouver, BC V5N 3R9

November 18, 2013

Dear Premier Clark,

Transportation in South Coast British Columbia is central to its industries and all business, small or large. It transports workers and employees to and from work. Without that, business would fail. It is imperative that all businesses in the South Coast British Columbia Transportation Act - TransLink operate so as to achieve this need of industry and business.. Presently it is a failure as transportation for the able bodied and disabled is in crisis due to limited income from government. TransLink announced a decade freeze to 2023 for HandyDART. A Taxi Pilot Program has been introduced.

Media and internet reveal a growing opposition to all transit changes. Our personal experiences revealing safety concerns have been sent to The TransLink Board, CBC and the Auditor General. We believe the financial problem is a result of unfair government taxation policies favouring business thus limiting taxation income for the government.

We therefore with respect call on you and the BC Legislature to initiate forthwith a public inquiry into all transit, able bodied and disabled for the South Coast British Columbia Transit.

Cc is reserved by us.

John Beeching
Elizabeth Beeching

Friday, November 8, 2013



John Beeching WW II veteran.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

More Spying

Canadians for Pease and Social Justice, CPS - Vancouver received the information below today 31-10-13.  We consider it another attack on Canadians civil liberty at the behest of open business governance. It is slavishly followed by what is supposed to be elected representatives for our protection, MP’s MLA’s that open business helped get elected.
Canadian youth are leading the way in the attack against open corporate rule. Unions and Social Activist groups join them. However, unless Canadian public opinion wakens from their brainwashed state and begins to rebel against the open rule of business they will find themselves living under some form of fascism. WW II veterans will surely hate that. We did not fight for it we fought for freedom from it AND WON then. Remember that this November 11 and make it true they did not die in vain.
The time to rebel is before that happens. The Harper government must be told you do not have a people’s mandate to take us on fascism’s slippery slope – STOP Harper & Co NOW!
John Beeching, WW II veteran, Chair CPS – Vancouver, Hon Chair CPS.
“Thursday, October 31st 2013, 9:55 am
The Canadian Press
OTTAWA - A federal review agency says sensitive information gathered by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service could be abused by Canada's allies due to lax sharing policies.
In its annual report, the watchdog that keeps an eye on CSIS flags concerns about what happens to intelligence that CSIS passes to the national eavesdropping agency, which in turn shares the details with foreign allies.
The report underscores the fact CSIS is collaborating ever more closely with Communications Security Establishment Canada, which has come under scrutiny lately due to its participation in the international Five Eyes alliance.
CSEC, which monitors foreign telephone, satellite and Internet traffic, shares information with the U.S. National Security Agency and counterparts in Britain, Australia and New Zealand.
The American NSA has been the subject of almost daily headlines due to leaks from former contractor Edward Snowden that have revealed the agency's vast surveillance of worldwide communications.

In its report, tabled in Parliament, the Security Intelligence Review Committee recommends CSIS develop clearer and more robust principles of co-operation with CSEC to ensure appropriate information sharing.”

Friday, October 18, 2013


The letter below was sent this morning.
Open letter: Government of British Columbia
Dear Christy Clark and Adrian Dix, as Premier and leader of the Opposition you are leaders of the BC Provincial Government. As such the responsibilities that go with it. The time has come for the government to deal with BC transportation, vital to business and the public. The general public considers it to be in a mess.
A groundswell of dissatisfaction with public transit merits your attention. It will be an issue in the next election. These groundswells a better dealt with than ignored.
We believe the time is ripe for a public inquiry into the Department of Transportation and all its ancillaries that come under the South Coast British Columbia Transportation Act. The public investigation should be authorized to open hearings of all concerned with emphasis on users. Its report should obligate the government to introduce its recommendations to the House for an extended discussion and government action.
We reserve the right to Cc this open letter.
Yours sincerely,
Two Handydart users
John and Elizabeth Beeching, 4715 Lanark Street, Vancouver, BC V5N 3R9

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Is HandyDART?TransLink guilty of misleading advertisement?

October 12, 2013

Dear Editor,

Handydart advertising informs the general public that it is a door-to-door service. Now they are introducing a trial taxi service, with TransLink approval, that is a curb-to-curb service.
People with handicaps can be unstable on their feet particularly the older ones. This is a danger of falling ask any OT. It is why all Handydart drivers insist on us holding their arm. As a curb-to-curb service the Taxi driver only deals with you once you get to the curb.
John Beeching

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Globalization of NATO:

“”Nazemroa’s book is a must-read for any European or other NATO state citizen who wants to understand the danger the American driven Alliance presents to world harmony and peace. I would hope that having done so the reader would accept appropriate responsibility for the actively pursuring ways to terminate this war machine that seeks out opportunities for warfare for all the wrong reasons …  Reading this book may be the first step to finding ourselves beforfe it is too late.” From the forword
Denis J Halliday
United nations Assistant Secretary General
(1994 – 98)

The Globalization of NATO: Military Doctrine of Global Warfare
by Global Research – www

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Nelson Mandela re. the year of the older person

"A society that does not value its older people denies its roots and endangers its future. Let us strive to enhance their capacity to support themselves for as long as possible and, when they cannot do so anymore, to care for them." ~ Nelson Mandela in a message announcing 1999 as the United Nations International Year of Older Persons, 17 December 1998

And governments still in 2013 give bailouts or tax exemptions to the mega rich at the same time cutting services and financing for seniors. For Profit rules. JMB

Monday, September 30, 2013

Vancouver - Densification Translink

To the editor:
Vancouver residents rally for planning changes at City Hall protest
by YOLANDE COLE on SEP 24, 2013 at 9:11 PM Georgia Straight
A most interesting article: We live next door to a related development. We once had two houses South of us. We now have three houses with two addresses each, two lane houses with their addresses. A total of eight residences where once there were two.
There is something about densification that needs discussion and an action plan by officials. We understand that densification may be an answer to Vancouver expansion, but as we told the planning board densification without a plan will be a disaster that creates severe crisis in an already stressed number of city facilities and services.
Densification overloads existing overcrowded Hospitals, Schools; Libraries will need expansion, as do Community Centers’. There may be others that could be raised.
Parking problem in Vancouver; densification will create a need for more parking and again costs will go up. Transportation is vital to both business and citizens. Traffic accidents in Vancouver are problematic. Are our streets wide enough for the new load created by densification? The predicted increase in senior population will add to the densification problems.
Planning is needed to get people out of their cars and into public transit. Transit plan in the form of South Coast British Columbia Transportation Act was originally supposed to do just that. The time has come to recognize that a transit public inquiry open to all is desperately needed. Particular attention should be paid to all transit users, able bodies and disabled; transit users experiences will contribute significantly to a transit investigation. The investigation should have prior commitments from all levels of government to act positively on the investigation’s recommendations.
John & Elizabeth Beeching
4715 Lanark Street
Vancouver, BC V5N 3R9

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


There is considerable discussion about the evilness of war. The following is just my thinking on it -

"War has two sides to it - just and unjust. Wars for liberation for example are just. Wars to increase wealth and power are unjust. I think just wars, while regretful are not evil. Unjust wars always are evil."

Saturday, August 31, 2013


CPS-Vancouver is pleased to send this information as a media Release: You now have information Canadians have a right to know. 
John Beeching

Subject: Syrian rebels admit to being behind chemical weapons attack - National Government |
Date: 31 August, 2013 10:54:53 AM PDT

Prime Minister, 

Sometimes it is good to get both sides, consider, and then make up you mind. That is of course unless you are following orders and must obey.

John Beeching
4715 Lanark Street
Vancouver,  BC  5N 3R9

WW II veteran.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Media Release: More US Fabrication?

MEDIA RELEASE: CPS – Vancouver is pleased to release this information. We believe Canadians, if given both sides of the story are quite capable of making the right decisions – peace or war! We trust you dear editor have the same point of view – that is good journalism.
John Beeching Hon. Chair CPS

Evidence Indicates that Syrian Government Did Not Launch a Chemical Weapon Attack Against Its People
Global Research, August 24, 2013
Url of this article:
CBS News reports that the U.S. is finalizing plans for war against Syria – and positioning ships to launch cruise missilesagainst the Syrian government – based on the claim that the Syrian government used chemical weapons against its people.
The last time the U.S. blamed the Syrian government for a chemical weapons attack, that claim was was debunked.
But is the claim that the Syrian government used chemical weapons against its people true this time?
It’s not surprising that Syria’s close ally – Russia – is expressing doubt. Agence France-Presse (AFP) notes:
Russia, which has previously said it has proof of chemical weapons use by the rebels, expressed deep scepticism about the opposition’s claims.
The foreign ministry said the timing of the allegations as UN inspectors began their work “makes us think that we are once again dealing with a premeditated provocation.”
But Russia isn’t the only doubter.
AFP reports:
“At the moment, I am not totally convinced because the people that are helping them are without any protective clothing and without any respirators,” said Paula Vanninen, director of Verifin, the Finnish Institute for Verification of the Chemical Weapons Convention.
“In a real case, they would also be contaminated and would also be having symptoms.”
John Hart, head of the Chemical and Biological Security Project at Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said he had not seen the telltale evidence in the eyes of the victims that would be compelling evidence of chemical weapons use.
“Of the videos that I’ve seen for the last few hours, none of them show pinpoint pupils... this would indicate exposure to organophosphorus nerve agents,” he said.
Gwyn Winfield, editor of CBRNe World magazine, which specialises in chemical weapons issues, said the evidence did not suggest that the chemicals used were of the weapons-grade that the Syrian army possesses in its stockpiles.
“We’re not seeing reports that doctors and nurses... are becoming fatalities, so that would suggest that the toxicity of it isn’t what we would consider military sarin. It may well be that it is a lower-grade,” Winfield told AFP.
Haaretz reports:
Western experts on chemical warfare who have examined at least part of the footage are skeptical that weapons-grade chemical substances were used, although they all emphasize that serious conclusions cannot be reached without thorough on-site examination.
Dan Kaszeta, a former officer of the U.S. Army’s Chemical Corps and a leading private consultant, pointed out a number of details absent from the footage so far: “None of the people treating the casualties or photographing them are wearing any sort of chemical-warfare protective gear,” he says, “and despite that, none of them seem to be harmed.” This would seem to rule out most types of military-grade chemical weapons, including the vast majority of nerve gases, since these substances would not evaporate immediately, especially if they were used in sufficient quantities to kill hundreds of people, but rather leave a level of contamination on clothes and bodies which would harm anyone coming in unprotected contact with them in the hours after an attack. In addition, he says that “there are none of the other signs you would expect to see in the aftermath of a chemical attack, such as intermediate levels of casualties, severe visual problems, vomiting and loss of bowel control.”
Steve Johnson, a leading researcher on the effects of hazardous material exposure at England’s Cranfield University who has worked with Britain’s Ministry of Defense on chemical warfare issues, agrees that “from the details we have seen so far, a large number of casualties over a wide area would mean quite a pervasive dispersal. With that level of chemical agent, you would expect to see a lot of contamination on the casualties coming in, and it would affect those treating them who are not properly protected. We are not seeing that here.”
Additional questions also remain unanswered, especially regarding the timing of the attack, being that it occurred on the exact same day that a team of UN inspectors was in Damascus to investigate earlier claims of chemical weapons use. It is also unclear what tactical goal the Syrian army would have been trying to achieve, when over the last few weeks it has managed to push back the rebels who were encroaching on central areas of the capital. But if this was not a chemical weapons attack, what then caused the deaths of so many people without any external signs of trauma?
The Syrian rebels (and perhaps other players in the region) have a clear interest in presenting this as the largest chemical attack by the army loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad to date, even if the cause was otherwise, especially while the UN inspectors are in the country. It is also in their interest to do so whilst U.S. President Barack Obama remains reluctant to commit any military support to the rebels, when only the crossing of a “red line” could convince him to change his policy.
The rebels and the doctors on the scene may indeed believe that chemical weapons were used, since they fear such an attack, but they may not have the necessary knowledge and means to make such a diagnosis. The European Union demanded Wednesday that the UN inspectors be granted access to the new sites of alleged chemical attacks, but since this is not within the team’s mandate, it is unlikely that the Syrian government will do so.
Stephen Johnson, an expert in weapons and chemical explosives at Cranfield Forensic Institute, said that the video footage looked suspect:
There are, within some of the videos, examples which seem a little hyper-real, and almost as if they’ve been set up. Which is not to say that they are fake but it does cause some concern. Some of the people with foaming, the foam seems to be too white, too pure, and not consistent with the sort of internal injury you might expect to see, which you’d expect to be bloodier or yellower.
Chemical and biological weapons researcher Jean Pascal Zanders said that the footage appears to show victims of asphyxiation, which is not consistent with the use of mustard gas or the nerve agents VX or sarin:
I’m deliberately not using the term chemical weapons here,” he said, adding that the use of “industrial toxicants” was a more likely explanation.
Michael Rivero asks:
1. Why would Syria’s Assad invite United Nations chemical weapons inspectors to Syria, then launch a chemical weapons attack against women and children on the very day they arrive, just miles from where they are staying?
2. If Assad were going to use chemical weapons, wouldn’t he use them against the hired mercenary army trying to oust him? What does he gain attacking women and children? Nothing! The gain is all on the side of the US Government desperate to get the war agenda going again.
As I type these words, US trained and equipped forces are already across the border into Syria, and US naval forces are sailing into position to launch a massive cruise missile attack into Syria that will surely kill more Syrians than were claimed to have died in the chemical attack.
Last time there was a chemical weapon attack in Syria, Bush administration office Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson said that he thought Israel might have given chemical weapons to the Syrian rebels to frame the government.
British MP George Galloway just floated the same theory in regards to the new chemical weapon attack.
Of course, we don’t know who carried out the attack, or what weapon was used.
But given the well-documented fact that the U.S. has been planning regime change in Syria for 20 years straight – and planned to use false ploys for 50 years – it is worth being skeptical until all of the evidence is in.
Indeed, many are asking whether this is Iraq War 2.0. For example, the Independent writes:
Pictures showing that the Syrian army used chemical weapons against rebel-held Eastern Ghouta just east of Damascus are ... likely to be viewed sceptically because the claims so much resemble those made about Saddam Hussein’s possession of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) before the US and British invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Like the Iraqi opposition to Saddam, who provided most of the evidence of WMDs, the Syrian opposition has every incentive to show the Syrian government deploying chemical weapons in order to trigger foreign intervention.
But the obvious fact that for the Syrian government to use chemical weapons would be much against their own interests does not prove it did not happen. Governments and armies do stupid things. But it is difficult to imagine any compelling reason why they should do so since they have plenty of other means of killing people in Eastern Ghouta, such as heavy artillery or small arms, which they regularly use.
The evidence so far for the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian army is second-hand and comes from a biased source.
Copyright © 2013 Global Research

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Sunday, August 18, 2013


CPS - VANCOUVER suggest The following book is worth reading if you care about our rights. Many are being trampled on now using false nomenclature! I would only add that many of the rights we all, union and non-union, have today were gained through union struggle. Those rights are presently under attack. The time has come to enter the struggle for true democracy. John Beeching, Hon. Char CPS.

"To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness.... What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. if we remember those times and places - and there are many - where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act." Howard Zinn ( :about rights historian)

It s available in PDF format from - <>

Latin America condemns US Espionage

“The United States appears to be destined by Providence to plague America with misery in the name of liberty.” Simon Bolivar

Monday, August 12, 2013

Canadian exports shouldn’t fuel conflict

Ottawa Citizen logo
Canadian exports shouldn’t fuel conflict
by Steven Staples
Should Canada have an arms industry? It seems that the Harper government thinks so, and it has been taking steps to work closely with the “big guns” of defence companies to support military production in Canada to supply the Canadian Forces and, more alarmingly, sell in the international arms market.
Last weekend in these pages, Tim Page, the president of Canada’s largest defence lobby association, applauded the government’s efforts to create a “healthy domestic defence industry.”
Mr. Page’s lobby association wants the government to “buy local” to satisfy the need of the Canadian Forces. More than that, he and his colleagues want the government to play a parental role in fostering and developing an entire defence industry in Canada.
This will require a significant, long-term commitment of billions of public dollars, in addition to weakened export regulations, and even diplomatic support abroad to promote Canadian-built arms sales. In short, there are few winners from this plan.
Unlike the auto industry, for instance, where short-term government assistance can help the industry until its commercial market improves, the arms industry is utterly dependent on government spending, since there are few commercial customers. And it will lobby strenuously to ensure that military spending is not reduced even if the international security environment improves, or if there are other competing government priorities.
For instance, in the depths of the financial crisis in early 2010 while government was reducing spending on social services, the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI) wrote to Finance Minister Jim Flaherty urging him to “confirm the government’s 20 year funding commitment of $240B in non personnel related defence spending…[and] proceed on an expedited basis with land, sea and air defence projects that are in the procurement pipeline.”
To the defence industry, a tax dollar spent on a hospital is a tax dollar not spent on a fighter jet.
The other side of the arms sales coin is the international weapons marketplace. Selling arms to the Canadian government is merely a launching point to selling arms abroad in the much larger and more lucrative international arms bazaar. That’s why the defence association’s Mr. Page called on National Defence and other trade-related departments and agencies to take a whole-of-government approach to “increase Canadian defence exports.”
But is this sound business advice? Scanning the international media it’s easy to see that the global financial crisis has hit European and American defence budgets hard and their militaries are scaling back. If Canadian firms start shifting to defence production, they will find themselves trapped in a declining market and laying off thousands of Canadian workers.
This crisis will encourage Canada to relax its export control policies intended to ensure Canadian defence exports don’t end up in war-racked regions or arming human rights abusers.
According to the industry, half of Canada’s roughly $6 billion in annual defence exports flow to the United States without any permit requirement at all. Canadian factories have been the number one supplier of ammunition to the U.S. Army, fuelling their bloody invasion of Iraq.
Even when export permits are required and authorized, Canadian-made arms find their way to conflicts. For instance, light armoured vehicles produced in Canada and sold to Saudi Arabia in the 1990s were spotted being used by their security forces to suppress the pro-democracy movement in neighbouring Bahrain. Another sale of LAVs to conflict-plagued Colombia has recently been announced.
Almost an afterthought is the military itself. The Canadian Forces should be provided with the best equipment at the most reasonable price, as quickly as possible. This is only achieved through an open and fair process. Of course, if two products are equivalent in performance and price, then the benefit to Canadian industry and job creation should be a priority in selecting a supplier, as the process already requires.
In fact, foreign defence suppliers are required to make investments in Canada equivalent to the value of the contract, and our system of direct and indirect “offsets,” as they are called, has served Canadian workers and the Canadian Forces well.
Above all else is the larger question: what kind of export economy do Canadians want? Many people are already concerned about Canada’s growing oil exports perpetuating unsustainable energy demands. To this will we add arms exports fuelling conflicts and propping up illegitimate governments around the world?
Nobody wants an economy that benefits from climate change and war. The government should not pursue a defence strategy designed to build an arms industry in Canada, but should instead focus on building Canadian prosperity on peace and sustainability, in keeping with Canadian values.
Steven Staples is the president of the Rideau Institute, an Ottawa-based research and advocacy group.

Saturday, August 10, 2013


As you are aware the COC supports the expansion of Medicare to include a national Pharmacare program. Canadian Doctors for Medicare talk about the need for such a program in this press release.

August 7, 2013
VIDEO: Why doctors care about Pharmacare
TORONTO – Doctors are adding their voices to the growing call for a national
Pharmacare program with the release of Canadian Doctors for Medicare’s new
video, “Why doctors care about Pharmacare.”
“We know that medications are an essential, sometimes lifesaving, part of the
treatment that Canadians need when they’re coping with an illness,” said Dr.
Monika Dutt, chair of Canadian Doctors for Medicare. “But we also know that
many of the patients we see every day can’t afford the treatment they need to
stay healthy, and to avoid coming back to our offices and emergency rooms.”
The video features doctors telling the real stories of the challenges they face with
their patients when affordable medications are out of reach. You can also click on
a doctor at the end of the video to hear more about his or her personal
Why doctors care about Pharmacare can be found on YouTube here:
Alissa Von Bargen
Office: 416-351-3300
Cell: 647-230-9164

Thursday, August 1, 2013


OPEN LETTER TO ALL MEDIA: Two Handydart users call for “More Equitable” Transit.
Dear Editor,
When I opened my search engine late yesterday afternoon one of the items on My Telus was about an announcement from TransLink.
The announcement from Telus also included considerable information on TransLink changes, including wages for CEO Ian Jarvis and 6 other executives including annual compensation. But what really drew my attention was – “This and other changes are designed to make the system “more equitable”, TransLink states.”
Is that supposed to placate the ire of middle-class and lower income people on finding that once again cost of transit is going up? More equitable by my dictionary is “fair and just”. What is fair and just about the owning class making mega-super profits and wages while convincing the governments, they are by and large responsible for electing, to lower their taxes while increasing the burden on the middle and lower classes?
To get “fair and just” transit in South Coast BC you should publish our call for a public Audit or Investigation. It is time to give transit users; both able bodied and disabled a voice! That is Fair and Just! Examine the publications or airing of the media and you will find business and high finance information far exceeds the minuscule coverage for those who must work in order to survive.
John Beeching and Elizabeth Beeching 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


'You are being tracked': ACLU reveals docs of mass license plate reader surveillance.
Found the above on
]ACLU = American Civil Liberties Union]
Searching the net today 17.07.13 I found the above article on -
One cannot help but wonder what information and how much is being gathered by license plate reader surveillance cameras in Canada.
The latest bridge in Greater Vancouver has them. Are they gathering more than just license plates, used to bill the driver of the car? Certainly the public has a right to know.
Who among the media will use the Freedom of Information Act? And then let the general public know the result.
John Beeching CPS Hon. Chair
4715 Lanark Street
Vancouver, BC V5N 3R9

Sunday, June 16, 2013


The following post is an indication of Canada's duplicity in support of Israel. It shows how former palestine is now, using ethnic cleansing being transformed into an Israeli state. No wonder Israel is not interested in a peace settlement. John

Disappearing Palestine

Building Bridges Vancouver (BBV),  in concert with Independent Jewish Voices (IJV), Boycott Israeli Apartheid Campaign (BIAC), Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights at UBC (SPHR),  Canada Palestine Support Network (CanPalNet), Canada Palestine Association (CPA) and Seriously Free Speech (SFS) have formed the Palestine Awareness Coalition in order to bring to public awareness the ongoing shrinking of Palestine from 1946 to the present day.
Skytrain ad 1
Bus ad 1
The first design above will soon be placed as a large wall mural at two TransLink Skytrain stations:  Waterfront and Vancouver Centre.  The second will be placed on the exterior of city buses over a four-week period. Similar campaigns have been launched in New York, San Francisco, Washington, DC and Portland, OR.  The four-map posters are also being used in various formats by organizations in several countries to bring public awareness to the reality faced by the people of Palestine.
Such advertising campaigns, of course, cost a great deal of money.  For the Vancouver project, $15,000 needs to be raised by the Coalition to pay Lamar, the transit advertising firm.  Fundraising has begun in earnest.  Individuals and organizations are being invited to join together in raising the necessary funds.  Please join us in bringing public awareness to this ongoing and urgent issue.
Please make cheques payable to: 
Palestine Awareness Coalition

Mailing Address:
c/o Gail Miller
2007 – 130 A  St.
Surrey, B.C.  V4A 9K2

Thank you for your generosity!