Monday, July 16, 2012



Elections 2013 are nearly upon us. The electorate - that is you, have to decide our future. It is not true you can't do anything with big government. That lie is to disarm any protest for the wrongs being committed for the benefit of more profits for business while at the same time keeping it hidden from the public eye! And there are quite a few wrongs.

Translink, Access Transit, HandyDART: As two HandyDART users that is our focus. You have another issue? Use this format or one of your own and inform the public of your problems and concerns about it. In general the turning over of public domain companies and issues like ferries, railroads, BC Hydro and more to the private sector for profit from your tax dollars should be front and centre!

We think that this election should only elect candidates who agree to support and/or propose the following two points to correct the wrongs being committed by the BC Legislature beginning with the time of the former Premier Campbell. In our case the "South Coast British Columbia Transportation Act - Translink".

FIRST: Get rid of the appointed Translink Board an re-install the Mayors Translink Board. At least it was comprised mainly of elected Mayors. 

SECOND: Remove any reference to 'contracted or contracted service' in the "South Coast British Columbia Transportation Act - Translink" Make any company that is presently contracted under Translink a corporation or company the same kind as those not contracted in Coast Mountain Bus Company.

PLEDGE: That you will only vote for candidates publicly committed to support both First and Second points above.

Time to Occupy BC Elections 2013!
Two HandyDART users <>

About time the 99% used their vote to stop the inept management of Translink by the Liberal government!

As a BC voter and member or supporter of your party we hereby notify you we 'take the pledge' and will honour this pledge on voting day.




Postal code______________________________________

Please send the above by Canada Post, or email, or hand delivery to the party of your choice. If you would like to let us know that you have done so sent confirmation of the pledge to bet
If you can, circulate it to other BC voters Thanks

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