Friday, October 18, 2013


The letter below was sent this morning.
Open letter: Government of British Columbia
Dear Christy Clark and Adrian Dix, as Premier and leader of the Opposition you are leaders of the BC Provincial Government. As such the responsibilities that go with it. The time has come for the government to deal with BC transportation, vital to business and the public. The general public considers it to be in a mess.
A groundswell of dissatisfaction with public transit merits your attention. It will be an issue in the next election. These groundswells a better dealt with than ignored.
We believe the time is ripe for a public inquiry into the Department of Transportation and all its ancillaries that come under the South Coast British Columbia Transportation Act. The public investigation should be authorized to open hearings of all concerned with emphasis on users. Its report should obligate the government to introduce its recommendations to the House for an extended discussion and government action.
We reserve the right to Cc this open letter.
Yours sincerely,
Two Handydart users
John and Elizabeth Beeching, 4715 Lanark Street, Vancouver, BC V5N 3R9

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