Thursday, October 31, 2013

More Spying

Canadians for Pease and Social Justice, CPS - Vancouver received the information below today 31-10-13.  We consider it another attack on Canadians civil liberty at the behest of open business governance. It is slavishly followed by what is supposed to be elected representatives for our protection, MP’s MLA’s that open business helped get elected.
Canadian youth are leading the way in the attack against open corporate rule. Unions and Social Activist groups join them. However, unless Canadian public opinion wakens from their brainwashed state and begins to rebel against the open rule of business they will find themselves living under some form of fascism. WW II veterans will surely hate that. We did not fight for it we fought for freedom from it AND WON then. Remember that this November 11 and make it true they did not die in vain.
The time to rebel is before that happens. The Harper government must be told you do not have a people’s mandate to take us on fascism’s slippery slope – STOP Harper & Co NOW!
John Beeching, WW II veteran, Chair CPS – Vancouver, Hon Chair CPS.
“Thursday, October 31st 2013, 9:55 am
The Canadian Press
OTTAWA - A federal review agency says sensitive information gathered by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service could be abused by Canada's allies due to lax sharing policies.
In its annual report, the watchdog that keeps an eye on CSIS flags concerns about what happens to intelligence that CSIS passes to the national eavesdropping agency, which in turn shares the details with foreign allies.
The report underscores the fact CSIS is collaborating ever more closely with Communications Security Establishment Canada, which has come under scrutiny lately due to its participation in the international Five Eyes alliance.
CSEC, which monitors foreign telephone, satellite and Internet traffic, shares information with the U.S. National Security Agency and counterparts in Britain, Australia and New Zealand.
The American NSA has been the subject of almost daily headlines due to leaks from former contractor Edward Snowden that have revealed the agency's vast surveillance of worldwide communications.

In its report, tabled in Parliament, the Security Intelligence Review Committee recommends CSIS develop clearer and more robust principles of co-operation with CSEC to ensure appropriate information sharing.”

Friday, October 18, 2013


The letter below was sent this morning.
Open letter: Government of British Columbia
Dear Christy Clark and Adrian Dix, as Premier and leader of the Opposition you are leaders of the BC Provincial Government. As such the responsibilities that go with it. The time has come for the government to deal with BC transportation, vital to business and the public. The general public considers it to be in a mess.
A groundswell of dissatisfaction with public transit merits your attention. It will be an issue in the next election. These groundswells a better dealt with than ignored.
We believe the time is ripe for a public inquiry into the Department of Transportation and all its ancillaries that come under the South Coast British Columbia Transportation Act. The public investigation should be authorized to open hearings of all concerned with emphasis on users. Its report should obligate the government to introduce its recommendations to the House for an extended discussion and government action.
We reserve the right to Cc this open letter.
Yours sincerely,
Two Handydart users
John and Elizabeth Beeching, 4715 Lanark Street, Vancouver, BC V5N 3R9

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Is HandyDART?TransLink guilty of misleading advertisement?

October 12, 2013

Dear Editor,

Handydart advertising informs the general public that it is a door-to-door service. Now they are introducing a trial taxi service, with TransLink approval, that is a curb-to-curb service.
People with handicaps can be unstable on their feet particularly the older ones. This is a danger of falling ask any OT. It is why all Handydart drivers insist on us holding their arm. As a curb-to-curb service the Taxi driver only deals with you once you get to the curb.
John Beeching

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Globalization of NATO:

“”Nazemroa’s book is a must-read for any European or other NATO state citizen who wants to understand the danger the American driven Alliance presents to world harmony and peace. I would hope that having done so the reader would accept appropriate responsibility for the actively pursuring ways to terminate this war machine that seeks out opportunities for warfare for all the wrong reasons …  Reading this book may be the first step to finding ourselves beforfe it is too late.” From the forword
Denis J Halliday
United nations Assistant Secretary General
(1994 – 98)

The Globalization of NATO: Military Doctrine of Global Warfare
by Global Research – www

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Nelson Mandela re. the year of the older person

"A society that does not value its older people denies its roots and endangers its future. Let us strive to enhance their capacity to support themselves for as long as possible and, when they cannot do so anymore, to care for them." ~ Nelson Mandela in a message announcing 1999 as the United Nations International Year of Older Persons, 17 December 1998

And governments still in 2013 give bailouts or tax exemptions to the mega rich at the same time cutting services and financing for seniors. For Profit rules. JMB