Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Tuesday April 10, 2012

Transportation is once more in the news. This time Translink wants a 12.5% increase in fares.

Fares already in place, and now the threat of an increase have made some riders talk about going back to driving their cars. It reflects the new appointed Translink Board by former Premier Campbell's government focus on cars rather than improving the transit system. That systems original aim was to get people out of their cars and into the transit system. The boards focus is doing just the opposite their improvements are for cars not transit.

Next year there will be a provincial election. BC citizens have the opportunity now to begin a 'Right the Wrongs' campaign. The liberal government made several in the past. Ferry system is well into the private sector. The Fast Cats would have come in handy when the ship on the norther route sank are just two. The South Coast Transit System is also slated to be privatized. so it seems. HandyDART is a 'contracted service' as are some other companies under Translink - Coast Mountain Bus Company symptomatic of privatization.

We suggest that two things need to be done to improve the transit system in the South coast BC. The South Coast British Columbia Transportation Act - Translink Board needs to be returned to elected mayors.  Second, any company under the act that is a 'contacted service' needs to have contracted removed and then they should be made the same as any other corporation or company under Translink - Coast Mountain Bus Company.

A Right the Wrongs Campaign should canvass every candidate and party to ascertain their position on these questions.

Two HandyDART users.

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