Saturday, December 29, 2012


The challenge  to all of us young and old is to look at the systemic patterns that have happened  from the 1890's through to today in our world. Look at the consistent wars, interventions, invasions, the military expenditure, the military industrial complex, the paranoia, the crisis of over production and under ability to purchase - get to the root of what is wrong with our system. Why is it terminally ill? We must root out those deeper causes. We have two systems to compare capitalism and scientific socialism. Social democracy leaves us with the same capitalist system Scientific socialism provides a completely new one. While discussing and examining history we need to make a comparison based on our findings.

You can NOT reform the system it must change to a new one. With reform you are left with the same system of booms and busts, rich and poor, The rich getting richer as the poor get poorer. What system you want needs to be discussed widely and once decided by consensus plans need to be in place of how to achieve the goal. It should be a system that makes people the owning class not the rich. A new system that puts people first.

We saw an interview on television RT QUESTION MORE of Peter Kuznick historian and Oliver Stone Academy award winner. Oliver Stone to RT: "US has become an Orwellian state." In the discussion Kuznick responded to RT question, "Do you think these superficialities in the conventional wisdom that we hear are perpetrated to keep us in a perpetual state of war?", as follows - "I don't know if it is quite so deliberate, but that seems to be the effect - dumbing down the population to the point where they cannot think critically and then you can pull anything over their eyes. They have a five- minute attention span and a five-minute memory of what happened in the past. We are saying learn your history, study it and think about what the alternatives are, think in utopian ways how different the world could be, how better it would be if we start to organize it rationally in the interest of people, not in the interest of profit, not in the interest of Wall Street, not in the interest of military, in the interest of our common humanity the six billion of us who occupy this planet."

As the author of this blog John would like to say that while he agrees we need to add dialogue - talk to your friends neighbours and school or university friends. It is dialogue that will help us all to come to a correct decision of what is to be done.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Canada has approved two major takeovers of energy firms by Chinese and malaysian state-owned bidders. "Harper said  both bids represent a 'net profit' to the country (Reuters)

The natural resources of any country a said to be the heritage of all its peoples. As such they are in need now of government expropriation to regain that status. That requires a revolutionary change of our present system. We have enough parties to do the job but all of them are committed to keep the capitalist system or at best to reform it. After you have done that you have the same system. The present one is terminally ill and it is time for a new one.

Start examining that and talk about it. We do need a political movement designed to focus on people before profits. A movement with a 'put people fist program' arrived at by consensus of the majority.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


for the 2013 BC election

Whereas: The present liberal government continues with transit changes made by ex-Premier Campbell.
And whereas: The new appointed Translink Board seems unable or unwilling to carry out their mandate.
And whereas the present government fails to make business pay a fair share of tax burden based on income

Therefore: we the undersigned pledge that we will only vote for candidates in the upcoming 2013 BC Elections who declare publicly they will support and/or introduce the following three points in the BC Legislature.

  • Restoration of Translink Board made up mainly of the former Mayors of the South Coast BC.
  • Remove 'contracted service' from such services and make them corporations like most other companies in Translink-Coast Mountain Bus Company.
  • Abandon the wrong economic policy of "trickle down theory" And introduce a fair tax structure for all including business based on income and a progressive taxation.

Print Name                                            Write Name                                          City Postal Code 

This pledge is made based on the 'honour system'. It is your honour.
Only you and your conscience will be aware that if none of the above points are introduced by whichever party forms the government you are to blame. 
The third point is vital to resolve the Canadian economic crisis. Profit records show that it is a lie that their business will go under if taxes are increased. In 1940 an excess profits tax was introduced by the Government of Canada. It said you can make 100% profit, after that the government will take it all. To our knowledge no business failed after all a profit of 100% surely is enough!

Do you have a conscience?

Two HandyDART users

Saturday, November 24, 2012



Medicare Week december 2-8: This Medicare Week BC Health Coalition (BCHC) shifts focus to the Federal Government. You can be a part of a national phone-in to your MP in support of a 2-14 Health Accord to voice your support for a National Health Accord – STOP PRIVATIZATION! The Romano report made it clear that the majority of Canadians want a National Health Accord. Tell all MP's you support a National Health Accord.

For more information between December 1-2 call BCHC 604-787-6560 or contact BCHC at – or

CPS Vancouver fully support this campaign and a National Health Accord.

John Beeching

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


The United States government and its subject peoples think of the US as “the world’s only superpower.” But how is a country a superpower when its entire government and a majority of the subjects, especially those members of evangelical churches, grovel at the feet of the Israeli Prime Minister? How is a country a superpower when it lacks the power to determine its own foreign policy in the Middle East? Such a country is not a superpower. It is a puppet state. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.

URL of full statement <>

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

UN Condemns US Blockade of CUBA again

UN condemns Cuba embargo for the 21st time

The UN General Assembly has adopted an annual resolution condemning the US embargo against Cuba. 188 UN members voted the US embargo illegal, while the United States, Israel and Palau voted against the resolution. The symbolic vote has been carried out each year for the last 21 years.  Washington has rejected UN demands to lift the embargo every time. The US enacted the economic embargo against Cuba in 1960 and has reinforced it with several Acts of Congress in the 1960s and 1990s.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Transportation is of great importance in our urban centres. South Coast BC is probably the highest population density and industry in BC. The Vancouver City Council proposal to get people out of their cars and into public transit the goal Translink had when it was first formed more than 30 years ago.

It will be interesting to see whatever planners come up with. In the meantime  we should all think about recent reports of economic problems transportation has. Translink has recently cut back on service in all areas.  Funding for HandyDART is now frozen for 3 years. Both have a negative input on riders and is of little effect on vehicle travel.

Translink is now doing work that rightfully belongs to the Department ofTransit. Road improvements, bridges and so on. It has been a severe drain on Translink's budget and moneys spend would have been better used to improve service to the public by transportation. Most HandyDART users are in the low income bracket so reduction in their service as a result of budget freeze comes at a time when the demand for the service is growing.

So where is the money to come from? Present policy of all levels of government is focused on a false economic theory - it says the more money that goes to the top the more jobs will be created thus benefiting government income. Facts and figures show this to be untrue. Check it out.

At the same time check out a comparison of incomes to business as compared to the general public. Then check out the % taxation paid in relation to income of taxation paid by each. The only conclusion one can come to is business is NOT paying a fair share of taxation. No wonder the profits in general of Big businesses have grown greatly. A report noted that one CEO of business worked out he was paying 30% less than his secretary based on income. It is only one example.

The time is now for a public outcry for fair taxation and an exposure of the brainwashing of the public that allow it succeeded. TIME FOR FAIR TAXATION. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012



"Instead of allowing other options to end the war, such as letting the Soviets attack Japan with ground forces], the United States rushed to use two atomic bombs at almost exactly the time that an August 8 Soviet attack had originally been scheduled: Hiroshima on August 6 and Nagasaki on August 9. The timing itself has obviously raised questions among many historians. The available evidence, though not conclusive, strongly suggests that the atomic bombs may well have been used in part because American leaders “preferred”—as Pulitzer Prize–winning historian Martin Sherwin has put it—to end the war with the bombs rather than the Soviet attack. Impressing the Soviets during the early diplomatic sparring that ultimately became the Cold War also appears likely to have been a significant factor." from the article URL below:-

To read the full article go to -

Monday, October 15, 2012


The largest beef recall in Canadian History

The wise are using the instructions from TV. If in doubt get a meat thermometer and cook beef to 106 degrees alternately toss it out.

The Unions voice is however not often heard. You can view the full statement by going to the following URL-

The first item of ten among a variety of union concerns in the plant reads: -
"Line speeds are a serious problem. Employees are pushed too hard as Lakeside is more concerned, it seems,with the  quantity of beef produced rather than the quality of beef produced."

It is part-and-parcel of the mad obsession with super profits which are at the root cause of the present economic crisis. Combined with it the conviction of all governing bodies with the wrong idea - the trickle-down-theory. That theory says the more money that goes to the top the more jobs will be created. The facts are it does not work. Facts on the ground show financiers at the very top are fewer in number and richer. In the meantime those below the median financial line are increasing and getting more poor.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Another attempt to stifle COC lawsuit


Dear Council of Canadians supporter, 

Yesterday, the latest attempt by Conservative MPs to derail legal proceedings on applications to overturn election results in seven ridings was argued before the Federal Court.

Their motion on "security for costs" seeks to force the nine Canadian voters who launched legal applications back in March to post an outrageous deposit of $260,409 to cover the MPs' costs as a condition of the hearings proceeding this December.

The Canada Elections Act, which empowers Canadian voters with the legal right to contest election results if "there were irregularities, fraud or corrupt or illegal practices that affected the result of the election", sets the security for costs for any applicant at $1,000; an amount that can be increased at the court's discretion.

"Modest" is the term Conservative Party lawyer Arthur Hamilton used in court today to characterize the 3620% increase being sought in their motion.

Beyond outrageous, their motion is patently unjust. The right Canadians are granted to defend their democratic franchise must not be conditional upon their ability to pay such an exorbitant cost. As Steven Shrybman, lawyer for the nine applicants, noted to the court, "It would be unjust and deny the applicants access to justice by imposing an onerous financial burden that only the wealthiest individuals in our society could afford."

What consistently seems to be lost on the seven Conservative MPs is that the applicants are not accusing them of wrongdoing. Instead, the applicants are arguing that there is evidence pointing to a widespread, centrally-managed and effective campaign of voter suppression that targeted non-Conservative supporters. And it is this indefensible violation of our democracy that has compelled them to step forward.

The nine brave applicants have nothing to personally gain from this beyond restoring the democratic rights of all the electors in their respective ridings.

But rather than allowing these cases to be judged on their merits, the MPs and their lawyers continue their relentless obstructionist and adversarial tactics at every opportunity – significantly driving up costs and further delaying the proceedings along the way.

Today's motion hearing also provided Conservative Party lawyer Hamilton with yet another platform on which to disparage the Council of Canadians and supporters like you. In an off-hand remark to the court, Hamilton attempted to debase the Council's involvement by alleging it is motivated only by the refusal to accept the outcome of 2011 federal election.

This prompted Madam Prothonotary Roza Aronovitch to correct Hamilton, clarifying that "The Council of Canadians is not a party in these proceedings". Hamilton's response was simply, "fair enough." 

As a valued supporter, I wanted to personally send you this latest update. A ruling on today's motion is expected shortly and we will continue to keep you informed.

With hope and resolve,


Maude Barlow
National Chairperson, The Council of Canadians

PS – These landmark legal cases are being funded by public donations from ordinary people like you who believe in democracy and that election fraud cannot be tolerated. Conservative Party lawyers are driving court costs up and more donations are urgently needed for the Federal Court hearing. Your donation of $24, $247 or whatever you can afford will directly help to pursue these legal actions for as long as it takes to restore the integrity of our democracy. 

Click here to donate to the Democracy 24-7 Legal Fund now!

Donations by mail: The Council of Canadians, 700-170 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 5V5 (Memo: Democracy 24-7)

Donations by phone: 1-800-387-7177 x233

Help spread the word! Forward this email on to family and friends. Share the link to the Council's election fraud webpage ( on Facebook and tweet why this is important to you using the hashtag #Democracy247.

The Council of Canadians does not accept money from corporations or governments. Our work is sustained by the volunteer energy and generosity of concerned individuals like you. Due to our strong advocacy role, the Council of Canadians is not a registered charity and is unable to issue charitable tax receipts for donations.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Cuts to HandyDART will continue:

After considerable opposition, cuts to “Taxi Savers” program were cancelled by Translink. However we are told the present economic crisis dictates that cost saving must be done in all transit, especially on HandyDART.  An audit is presently underway to examine the whole financial system in Translink. 

HandyDART originated about 30 years ago as disabled and seniors began a struggle for accessible transit.  It was a success and is growing exponentially as the predicted baby boom has hit the retirement wall. Unfortunately no government has even begun to plan for the sudden burst in numbers and the increased demands in housing, health, transportation to name a few problem areas.

The economic crisis exasperated by governments policies of the “trickle-down economic theory” remains systematic. As long as it continues solutions of passing the buck will continue. For example, Translink is presently saddled with issues that rightfully belong in the government department of transportation. Instead of attention to the problem of encouraging drivers and their passengers to get out of cars and into public transit, more cost saving. Translink is busy expanding the highway system, improving roads, building bridges for example. All encourage greater use of cars and other transportation such as trucking, not really Tanslink's mandate as originally given pre-1941.

It is time these issues, especially the saddling of Translink with issues that rightfully belong in the Department of Transit were included in the audit.

This letter to the editor was sent to the Province. ohn

Monday, July 16, 2012



Elections 2013 are nearly upon us. The electorate - that is you, have to decide our future. It is not true you can't do anything with big government. That lie is to disarm any protest for the wrongs being committed for the benefit of more profits for business while at the same time keeping it hidden from the public eye! And there are quite a few wrongs.

Translink, Access Transit, HandyDART: As two HandyDART users that is our focus. You have another issue? Use this format or one of your own and inform the public of your problems and concerns about it. In general the turning over of public domain companies and issues like ferries, railroads, BC Hydro and more to the private sector for profit from your tax dollars should be front and centre!

We think that this election should only elect candidates who agree to support and/or propose the following two points to correct the wrongs being committed by the BC Legislature beginning with the time of the former Premier Campbell. In our case the "South Coast British Columbia Transportation Act - Translink".

FIRST: Get rid of the appointed Translink Board an re-install the Mayors Translink Board. At least it was comprised mainly of elected Mayors. 

SECOND: Remove any reference to 'contracted or contracted service' in the "South Coast British Columbia Transportation Act - Translink" Make any company that is presently contracted under Translink a corporation or company the same kind as those not contracted in Coast Mountain Bus Company.

PLEDGE: That you will only vote for candidates publicly committed to support both First and Second points above.

Time to Occupy BC Elections 2013!
Two HandyDART users <>

About time the 99% used their vote to stop the inept management of Translink by the Liberal government!

As a BC voter and member or supporter of your party we hereby notify you we 'take the pledge' and will honour this pledge on voting day.




Postal code______________________________________

Please send the above by Canada Post, or email, or hand delivery to the party of your choice. If you would like to let us know that you have done so sent confirmation of the pledge to bet
If you can, circulate it to other BC voters Thanks

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


TILMA John Beeching Hon. Chair, CPS

It has been probably more than 6 years since I wrote anything on this subject. The general public do not even seem aware of TILMA or its connection and similarities with the Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the USA. Or for that matter their negative effects on the majority. CEO's just love it!

The present attack on labour in Canada, especially by all governments, has caught the recognition of organized labour but unfortunately not as much in the general public. It makes the job of Canadian business lobby and their institutes like the Fraser Institute here in BC easier. 

As with FTA, TILMA's goals focus on laws that “restrict or impair trade, investment or labour mobility”, that is, in a nutshell profits. More and more Canadians are awake to the drive toward corporate governance and extreme super profits that drive the lower and lowest economic level of our society to grow in numbers and get poorer. While banks and Corporations get bail-outs. Profits are the root of policy of all governments in Canada who follow the “trickle down economic theory” which only exacerbates the lowering of purchasing power. Canada need a political movement. 
“Instead of promising to harmonize our rules and regulations, or making commitments to remove the barriers corporations don't like, why won't our governments commit to adopting the best standards for workers, the environment and local decision making, not the worst.” BC Federation of Labour.
We suggest that as long a we have a 'for profit system' – capitalism the chasm between the owning class and workers will only deepen. The ranks of the lower income people will increase while their earnings and conditions will worsen as those at the top pass laws to ensure it does. Meantime those at the top of the income range put their money in banks.
We do need an examination of globalization with the view of how it will fit into a new order – scientific socialism. In the meantime until Canadians are ready to do just that resistance to draconian laws and preparations for a police state must be resisted. Organized Labour should and must take a lead. If you are not ready for a revolution – rebell.

Monday, April 30, 2012



Open letter to - general public, all HandyDART users, their families, friends and supporters. WE NEED YOUR HELP!

Translink sub-companies or corporations are heading for a disastrous future. All users of public transit in the South Coast of BC will be affected.

At one time the Translink board made up of mostly elected Mayors was therefore considered public. Our previous Premier Campbell made several moves that privatized former public operations like the Ferry System, BC Rail and others, then hit on Translink.

BC government under Campbell’s direction appointed a board made up of professionals from the private domain (un-elected). HandyDART once comprised of eight districts was made one unit and through a contracting process turned over to a subsidiary of an American firm MVT, a for profit American Company. Adding Canada to their title does not alter that.

Proposed changes for profits impact negatively on HandyDART users and employees. Translink taxi proposal when in operation makes the disabled and elderly, the most vulnerable in society, suffer a serious reduction in their former transit service. HandyDART will not be a door-to-door service as it once was.

The taxi proposal contradicts several items in the “Custom Transit Operating Agreement between Translink and MV Canadian Bus Company Ltd”. Does it contravene Schedule A Section 3.0 Service Description or any other section? It needs public scrutiny.

In the operating agreement contract the prime service is bus transit with taxis as an ancillary. The proposed change make taxis a preferred service to bus transit. Perhaps most important does it contravene the Transportation Act?

We call on the general public to pressure and demand a public examination from the BC government of this whole question. Restore Translink Board to the elected mayors and limited additions. Remove “contracted service” from the transportation act.

Contact your MLA, the media and other resources to raise your voice in the support of HandyDART users. This system is no longer democratic; it is governance by business, corporation and big moneyed people. It deserves a huge public outcry for democracy.

HandyDART is a service, and not to be run for profit.

Two HandyDART users -John & Elizabeth Beeching,. Contact

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Tuesday April 10, 2012

Transportation is once more in the news. This time Translink wants a 12.5% increase in fares.

Fares already in place, and now the threat of an increase have made some riders talk about going back to driving their cars. It reflects the new appointed Translink Board by former Premier Campbell's government focus on cars rather than improving the transit system. That systems original aim was to get people out of their cars and into the transit system. The boards focus is doing just the opposite their improvements are for cars not transit.

Next year there will be a provincial election. BC citizens have the opportunity now to begin a 'Right the Wrongs' campaign. The liberal government made several in the past. Ferry system is well into the private sector. The Fast Cats would have come in handy when the ship on the norther route sank are just two. The South Coast Transit System is also slated to be privatized. so it seems. HandyDART is a 'contracted service' as are some other companies under Translink - Coast Mountain Bus Company symptomatic of privatization.

We suggest that two things need to be done to improve the transit system in the South coast BC. The South Coast British Columbia Transportation Act - Translink Board needs to be returned to elected mayors.  Second, any company under the act that is a 'contacted service' needs to have contracted removed and then they should be made the same as any other corporation or company under Translink - Coast Mountain Bus Company.

A Right the Wrongs Campaign should canvass every candidate and party to ascertain their position on these questions.

Two HandyDART users.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

US-Israel Axis -World Domination

A new emperialist system is being built in the 21st century - the USA at the head.

The United States with Israel and NATO allies is aiming at world hegemony. We veterans of WW II fought to defeat Hitler Nazism/Fascism and succeeded. Now in this century it is rearing its ugly head again.

We need such campaigns as the following.. Our young people are showing us the way. Remember the G8/G20? Remember Occupy mocvement? Remember the Middle East and Europe?

WFTU INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN FOR PALESTINE For the immediate release of all political prisoners held in Israeli jails

Dear Colleagues,
Today in Israeli prisons there are 4,600 Palestinians imprisoned militants. Of these:
560 have been convicted to life imprisonment by Israeli courts.
220 are children.
24 are Members of the Parliament.
204 prisoners have died in Israeli prisons.
Among the prisoners there are great Palestinians and Arab militants who have dedicated their lives to the struggle of the Palestinian People to get their own independent homeland.

The WFTU from the first day of its establishment is firmly on the side of the Palestinian People. On April 17th is the International Day of Action for Palestinian people for the release of all prisoners in Israeli jails. All of those militants kept illegally and undemocratically by the imperialists and their organs.

For years now the International Organizations are limited to words. They show indifference. They allow the government of Israel to kill, to imprison, and to terrorize the people of the region.
The WFTU in a joint meeting with the GUPW held recently in Ramallah decided to call upon all our affiliates and friends to act on April 17. To submit statements to the Israeli embassies in their countries, as well as international organizations and to demand the immediate release of all the militants from Israeli prisons.
We ask you all to act. To express active solidarity with the best possible way. All together on April 17 calling for:
- The immediate release of all political prisoners kept unfairly in Israeli prisons.
- To stop the settlement activity and the dismantling of the settlements.
- The immediate lifting of the unfair and inhumane blockade of Gaza Strip, the withdrawal of the Israeli army from all occupied territories, which is there since 1967, including the Golan Height and the Shebaa area of southern Lebanon.
- The demolition of the racist wall.
- The creation of an independent, democratic and truly free Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital and the return of all Palestinian refugees to their homeland.
- The international community to undertake its responsibilities and to implement all decisions of the United Nations and the Security Council!
Send your protest letters, photos and statements to the following e-mail addresses:,,
- UN Human Rights Council:
- Israeli Foreign Minister:
-High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy:
Tel. +302109214417, +302109236700, Fax +30210 9214517 E-mails:,