Saturday, November 24, 2012



Medicare Week december 2-8: This Medicare Week BC Health Coalition (BCHC) shifts focus to the Federal Government. You can be a part of a national phone-in to your MP in support of a 2-14 Health Accord to voice your support for a National Health Accord – STOP PRIVATIZATION! The Romano report made it clear that the majority of Canadians want a National Health Accord. Tell all MP's you support a National Health Accord.

For more information between December 1-2 call BCHC 604-787-6560 or contact BCHC at – or

CPS Vancouver fully support this campaign and a National Health Accord.

John Beeching

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


The United States government and its subject peoples think of the US as “the world’s only superpower.” But how is a country a superpower when its entire government and a majority of the subjects, especially those members of evangelical churches, grovel at the feet of the Israeli Prime Minister? How is a country a superpower when it lacks the power to determine its own foreign policy in the Middle East? Such a country is not a superpower. It is a puppet state. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.

URL of full statement <>

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

UN Condemns US Blockade of CUBA again

UN condemns Cuba embargo for the 21st time

The UN General Assembly has adopted an annual resolution condemning the US embargo against Cuba. 188 UN members voted the US embargo illegal, while the United States, Israel and Palau voted against the resolution. The symbolic vote has been carried out each year for the last 21 years.  Washington has rejected UN demands to lift the embargo every time. The US enacted the economic embargo against Cuba in 1960 and has reinforced it with several Acts of Congress in the 1960s and 1990s.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Transportation is of great importance in our urban centres. South Coast BC is probably the highest population density and industry in BC. The Vancouver City Council proposal to get people out of their cars and into public transit the goal Translink had when it was first formed more than 30 years ago.

It will be interesting to see whatever planners come up with. In the meantime  we should all think about recent reports of economic problems transportation has. Translink has recently cut back on service in all areas.  Funding for HandyDART is now frozen for 3 years. Both have a negative input on riders and is of little effect on vehicle travel.

Translink is now doing work that rightfully belongs to the Department ofTransit. Road improvements, bridges and so on. It has been a severe drain on Translink's budget and moneys spend would have been better used to improve service to the public by transportation. Most HandyDART users are in the low income bracket so reduction in their service as a result of budget freeze comes at a time when the demand for the service is growing.

So where is the money to come from? Present policy of all levels of government is focused on a false economic theory - it says the more money that goes to the top the more jobs will be created thus benefiting government income. Facts and figures show this to be untrue. Check it out.

At the same time check out a comparison of incomes to business as compared to the general public. Then check out the % taxation paid in relation to income of taxation paid by each. The only conclusion one can come to is business is NOT paying a fair share of taxation. No wonder the profits in general of Big businesses have grown greatly. A report noted that one CEO of business worked out he was paying 30% less than his secretary based on income. It is only one example.

The time is now for a public outcry for fair taxation and an exposure of the brainwashing of the public that allow it succeeded. TIME FOR FAIR TAXATION.